
U_Incharge Logo

Helping all work-visa holders to
get in charge of their future in United States

H1B Scrabble

UInCharge.com is a platform that provides support to all the work-visa holders (H1B/ OPT, CPT, etc) to ensure that they are in charge of their career and the future of their family.

We ensure that we treat our H1B Visa holders that work for us as business partners and not employees.

With a dedicated legal team in place, we help the employee-partners to get on the road to become US citizens and support them to achieve their American Dream.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services.
If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help

UInCharge.com empowers all visa holders that are held at ransom (for lack of a better word!) by their employers once they immigrate to the US. These employees are not paid fair value and their immigration status is usually held to ensure that they do not leave their employer.

So, why contact UInCharge.com?
    • We are a company owned by former H1B visa holders
    • We have created a community of peers that you can leverage
    • We will help you build a better future for yourself and your family
    • We will provide you access to our legal team
    • We will train you in skills required to further your career

Our core values: that the modern world, despite a forfeit of obfuscation, immigrant, and non-immigrant visa complications, downright deceit by many H1B visa sponsoring employer, is not impenetrable, is not known, and if the right experience and accurate advice are shared it is even more intriguing than we think. All it takes is a new way of looking.

UinCharge.com has been created to provide you guidance and advice based on the founder’s own experiences along with the current journeys of students, H1B employees, and permanent residents

UinCharge.com is created to provide you truthful advice based on the founder’s own experiences along with the experiences of the students, other H1B visa workers, permanent residents as well as those who walked the path of permanent residence through H1B visa.

Founders of the company arrived in the US on H1B visas and went thru real struggles without fully understanding their rights. In an effort to give back, this website and its services was created to provide guidance and advice to those new to the country. Based on real-life experiences coupled with experts and a comprehensive network, UInCharge.com can help you gain control of your destiny.

Get job as soon as 2 days (HURRY UP) ENROLL NOW or call +1 201-228-3009 POST YOUR RESUME